Will Diet and Lifestyle Habits Impact Vision After Cataract Surgery?

Eating a healthy diet is essential for maintaining good eye health & reducing risk of developing eye problems. Learn how diet & lifestyle habits can affect vision after cataract surgery.

Will Diet and Lifestyle Habits Impact Vision After Cataract Surgery?

Eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet is essential for maintaining good eye health, while consuming highly processed, high-fat foods may increase the risk of developing eye problems. Other factors, such as diabetes and dehydration, can cause chronic vision and eye conditions. After cataract surgery, you can expect your vision to gradually improve. Blurred vision is normal in the first few hours to days after the procedure.

Generally, three to six weeks after the procedure, your vision should be clearer, markedly improved, and fully stabilized. This timeline may vary depending on the type of cataract and lens chosen. It's common to experience blurred or unclear vision in the days and sometimes even weeks after the cataract is removed. This is usually due to normal eye swelling that occurs as part of the surgery.

The PREDIMED trial was designed to evaluate the effect of MedDiet on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The general baseline characteristics and the intake of energy and nutrients, as well as the consumption of key foods by study participants in the dietary intervention groups, are listed in tables 1 and 2, respectively. The time of cataract extraction depends on multiple factors that may accelerate or delay the surgery, including the subjective decision of the ophthalmologist; the patient's visual acuity, comorbidities and the patient's waiting attitude; a more objective result being the formation of cataracts diagnosed by a slit-lamp examination. With a healthy diet and lifestyle, people can significantly reduce their chances of developing certain eye diseases and health disorders.

Those with a family history of vision problems or retinal health problems may fear that they are destined to have these issues at some point in their lives. This particular problem is the most common complication of cataract surgery and develops due to various extenuating circumstances, such as the use of steroids, diabetes, or certain lifestyle habits. Before eliminating any foods from your diet, it is important to consult your doctor, especially if you are diabetic or have a natural nutritional dependency. A fully adjusted multivariate analysis was repeated after merging both MedDiet groups into a single category for comparison with the control group.

Two hundred and six participants from the MedDiet+ AOVE group, 174 from the MedDiet + Nuts group and 179 from the control group underwent cataract surgery. The correct sleeping position after cataract surgery can help reduce the risk of serious complications, such as blindness. The outcome of cataract surgery was defined by a medical diagnosis made by an eye doctor and was explicitly reported in medical records.

Lori Festa
Lori Festa

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