Can I Swim After Cataract Surgery? - A Guide for Patients

Cataract surgery is a common procedure that can help improve vision and restore clarity. Learn what restrictions you should follow after cataract surgery to ensure a successful recovery.

Can I Swim After Cataract Surgery? - A Guide for Patients

Cataract surgery is a common procedure that can help improve vision and restore clarity. However, it is important to take the necessary precautions after the surgery to ensure a successful recovery. One of the most important activities to avoid is swimming, as it can increase the risk of infection and other complications. In general, many surgeons recommend avoiding swimming for two weeks after cataract surgery.

After that, it is strongly recommended to wear goggles in the water until a month has passed. This helps protect the eye from any additional irritation and prevents the development of infections. If bacteria enter the eye while it is still healing, it could cause an infection, since the eye is more sensitive than usual after a procedure such as cataract surgery. Additionally, the eye may open briefly and leak during the first few weeks after cataract surgery due to changes in eye pressure.

Therefore, it is best to avoid areas that tend to have more bacteria than usual for a healthy recovery. Cataract surgery (and eye drops taken after cataract surgery) cause a small amount of inflammation and irritation on the surface of the eye. Fortunately, infections are rare and there are restrictions after cataract surgery to prevent infections as much as possible. After about two weeks, going back to swimming with goggles on is the best way to ensure that ocean or pool water doesn't cause any additional eye irritation or swelling. Most cataract surgeons will wait about two months between removing the first cataract and the second.

After cataract surgery, it's best to refrain from swimming for at least two weeks, as the water can contain bacteria that could cause infection and other possible problems in recovering patients. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully when recovering from cataract surgery. Swimming should be avoided for at least two weeks after the procedure, and goggles should be worn when swimming until a month has passed. This will help protect your eyes from any additional irritation or infection.

Lori Festa
Lori Festa

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