When Is It Safe to Go Swimming After Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is a common treatment for those with reduced vision due to cataracts. Learn when it's safe to go swimming after cataract surgery and what precautions you should take.

When Is It Safe to Go Swimming After Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is a common treatment for those with reduced vision due to cataracts. After the procedure, the eyes are more vulnerable to infections and complications, so it's important to take extra precautions when it comes to swimming. It is recommended to wait four weeks after cataract surgery before swimming in a pool or natural body of water. Swimmers who wear goggles can swim as soon as two weeks after cataract surgery.

However, it is very important to wait until the eye has had a chance to heal properly. Even with glasses, there is a higher risk of infection immediately after cataract surgery. Dust or particles in glasses can cause serious complications in recovering patients. In addition, glasses do not completely eliminate the risk of water coming into contact with the eyes.

In general, many will recommend staying out of the water for two weeks after cataract surgery. After that, it is strongly advised to wear glasses in the water until a month has passed. This helps prevent infections from developing inside the eye and protects it from any additional irritation. The pool is the safest option for swimming after cataract surgery.

Why? As is your pool, you have full control over the amount of chlorine that enters it. While bacteria are still a major concern, you have reasonable control over a potential infection. Another added benefit of swimming in your own pool is that you can dictate what happens in it. You can keep your head high above water, minimize splashes, and wear goggles to further protect yourself from water.

In water parks, thousands of people swim in their waters every day, which means that there is a high chance of an eye infection occurring. Avoiding swimming for at least two weeks after cataract surgery can help ensure that everything heals as desired without additional complications, such as an infection. Now think about how annoying it would be to have an eye that is already sensitive due to cataract surgery. Fortunately, infections are rare and there are restrictions after cataract surgery to prevent infections as much as possible.

It's essential to remember that the eyes are still very sensitive after cataract surgery and that water can contain bacteria that could cause problems. Yes, it will be fun to splash around in the water and see things more clearly than before without waterfalls. But if you've been swimming in a pool and think your eyes might get infected, be sure to contact your doctor at the Eye Center of Texas. Swimming in pools can be harmful to your eyes, especially since you've just undergone an eye procedure, such as LASIK or cataract removal.

In addition, it is recommended to avoid swimming, saunas and hot tubs, as they all contain water that can harbor bacteria that could be dangerous to the eyes during their healing process. That's why, while goggles are great, they don't allow you to swim again immediately after cataract surgery.

Lori Festa
Lori Festa

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